Parking Sensor Systems are electronic guidance and warning systems that assist with safe reversing and also parking with ease and confidence. We offer a comprehensive range of professional systems to suit the majority of vehicles at affordable prices. Parking Sensor Systems utilise a set of sensors (eye) that can be fitted to the rear or front bumpers of the vehicle.


  4 eye rear sensors fitted…………  £135

  Front & Rear sensors fitted…….. £320

We can also paint the sensors to match your paint colour for an extra £30

Extra upgrades…..

Dash mount display

Why not add a dash mounted display so you can see what sensor is doing what and will also give you a reading of how far you are from the object. The display has 4 led colour levels for each sensor starting with blue>green>yellow>red. Red being the point in which to brake and it will leave a gap of about 12″ from the object. £50 inc fitting